Sunday, March 23, 2008

clicks rig cars

went to the espy down st. kilda way for a night of entertainment provided by a guy i work withs band (is that the good english?)

yeh.. so, started out a little later than usual... but once there it was all fun and games. it was good to see all the work crew who usually dont go out there and pinging etc...

highlights of the evening were -- the african band playing all those tunes i know and love, seeing the DJ who was/is a member at video ezy, dancing my ass off (stepping up, bringing it on, sticking it, serving it up to you... all the hits), the man/guy/woman/lady that had us all confused... and of course... CHICKS DIG SCARS

here are a few photos with some hilarious (questionable) commentary to boot!*

*- i couldn't be bothered with being funny. i do it all the time.
it gets tiring.

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