Thursday, February 21, 2008


so.. just got off the phone from my fortnightly call to mother to check in to see what is happening in her life... and those in the family that she speaks to.

nana update v6.3

she needs a hip replacement!!! yes... that old bowl of chicken bones was out to get her it seems and now she might require surgery to fix it... here is how it happened!!!

she was walking to the door/bathroom or somewhere nana-ish ... la la la...

trying to avoid the bowl of chicken bones... nana decides to step to the to the left.. no suddden movements ... just a nice step to the left...

BAM! she instantly feels the pain and goes to the doctor where he tells her that she needs hip replacement surgery!

meanwhile... mum (pictured above) has downloaded the new version of bearshare and has instantly started chatting to people from all over the world while downloading generic cuban music! it seems that no matter what platform of networking p2p software she's on she can chat to anyone....

"there was a policeman... guy in turkey... woman from america or something..."

maybe thats where i got my addiction to talking to people on chat sites from??? maybe....


Li-Kim Chuah said...

You should illustrate Perez Style more often

MikeRotch said...

look at those toes

Steven said...

It just occured to me ... why was there a bowl of chicken bones on the floor in the first place???