Friday, June 09, 2006

its a small world after all

ok... well, as of late we have had a few visitors come to stay with us...

and... to put a long story short - i was going through a tonne of cara's photos on her computer and i came across some hilarious things...

1 - andrew "no deal" o'keefe... hosting the annual domino rally where all the managers get together and talk business... and basically get pissed and talk strategies ... heres some pictures...

2 - and then there was something so incredibly co-incidle... devotee's of my life ( maybe sunshine high readers - if any) will remember me hosting a short film festival in year 12 in which i worked with a fucking emo boy/girl and this guy that looked like a frog and spoke with an incredible lisp. well... he was an absolute idiot and couldnt read english and mispronounced my name so many times it was unbearable... so... guess who should pop up at the effing domino's rally for 2006...

HIM!!!!!! ARGGHHHHH... after a 3 year absence from my life... he still haunts me to this day! and what made it worst.... apparently he still speaks like a spaz!


1 comment:

Li-Kim Chuah said...

Thank god for the update, I had no idea what you were up to.

I REMEMBER THIS GUY!!! He was sooo lame, that last picture makes me want to slap his face off. I can't even look at it.