Friday, November 05, 2010

charlie sheen is fine by the way

yeh, thanks for caring guys. jeeze. thanks for asking. everyone's favourite booze hound sleaze mother fucker is back to health apparently according to sources close to the two and a half laughs star!

having myself a nice little time in Noosa and since the weather hasnt been the greatest, i have been able to catch up on some quality Nip/Tuck Season 4! oh and it is delicious. except for mother turning around every 3 seconds when there is a sex scene or someone says pussy or fuck. without my noticing, she's turned into an OLD PERSON. but, mind you... when there is a sex scene, she will watch the whole thing. nutter. it's actually the reason why i put off watching "the last mistress" with her. it's french. it's a period drama. and it has high level sex scenes. yeh... no thanks!

so.. i went to the bakery that i mentioned in an earlier post. i was sooo excited. i counted all my pennies. and asked the lady very nicely. and then i took a bite. ewww... it was possibly one of the greatest food disappointments of the year. and i've eaten a lot of food. anyone that knows me well enough knows i will eat anything. but the cream cheese filling of my banana, pecan and walnut cake tasted like soap. i stood there, in the reject shop now, clucking my tongue, much like walter matthau in this scene...

oh it was horrible. i had to go back. i explained my situation to the nice old white lady... expressing how upset i was. i also explained that p.s- i am a fatso whale and that i do eat LOTS of food and never complain. anyways, she gave me my money back. but i intend to go back once more. and try my luck at another batch. come on, it's the least i can do.. i haven't had a slice in 3 years!

after the kerfuffle of some dodgy cake, it was time for mother and i to head off to the local salvation army. i searched around for some bargains... but, none i could really justify. i did find a hillary duff t-shirt in the menswear aisle... this was somewhat confusing... not me, but i did wonder who the homo staff member working there was that decided it belonged in that aisle. meh. i kept searching... looking... looking... CDS! yes, cool... and i swear to allah that the majority of the titles there were in fact singles from my childhood. we had "honey to the bee", "5,6,7,8", "backstreets back" and this all time classic....

oh the 90's.... so much to answer for. it's like a beautiful nightmare that you wish could stay with you forever. and then... i came across this $1 BARGAIN...

the BABE soundtrack. not only does it have all the instrumental/inspirational music from the gallant trotter ... but sound bites. from the film!!! finally, i can listen to this... on my iPod!

omg... it could even be my new ringtone??? thoughts. please. now.

see you guys soon. be good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i thought you were talking about the chocolate mud cake from the Tewantin bakery. Why does Tewantin look like its spelled so wrong?! and Spelled? that too. oh god. Sarah is watching ANOTHER EPISODE OF HOUSE. This show makes me think I have CANCER (BUT ALSO makes me not care about myself)