currently sitting in an un-used corridor where i think they shuttle mini buses of waste down. it's also where tiger airways customers wait for flights that have been delayed for up to 2 hours!
and so, this is me. arriving after a stressful car trip with mum (what is it with her and airports, she can never frakkin calm down and chill) i arrived to the tiny fucking shoebox check-in desk for tiger airways. all i can say is thank god i brought my macbook with me and thank god i can use the internet through my iphone. anyways, i guess this gives me the chance to go to the toilet; something i should've done at nana's ... and update the blog and fill you guys in on what's been going on.
it's rather hot today in QLD, and i know at the moment that in MELBOURNE it's going to be absolutely pouring with rain... so, i am not looking forward to me lugging all my shit back whilst my gradual tanning moisturiser leaves me streakier than a fucking caramel latte on a zebra. at least i was able to get a tan before christmas/summer so i can be all snobby and look down at those pale bastards who have no complexion. that'll give me some satisfaction. not.
what was 12 days away certainly did feel like 3-4 weeks... and during my stay i did manage to fit a lot into or onto my plate. visited all the immediate family. saw both grandparents, who each have their own lifestyles. nana, who lives in a 2 bedroom unit, or, as i have dubbed it, the cat museum- has more fucking cat/tiger merchandise than the gift shop at werribee open zoo.

during my night at the museum, i found some old old OLD photo albums which were full of family photos that i'd never seen before. it was all really quite fascinating. after scanning a few albums, i came across something that, i am sure i'd heard about at some stage in my life, but until now, totally forgot.
my mother had been previously married before my father. at the ripe age of 21. gross. i guess in the 70's everyone was fucking bonkers, so it shouldn't be that surprising yeh? well, it was like one of those moments where the camera tracks in and the fucker zooms all the way out so the background was all "zrrrrooooooopppp" crazy. it was like i had discovered some family secret, or it felt like i was on an episode of "who the fuck do you think you are" ... except i had no one that was interested or cared when i was looking into the camera that was not filming me. also learnt of nana's new endeavour to donate her body to the university where they can cut her open and have a squiz at her insides. much like gunther. my nana will be gunther-ized. hopefully these kids will wear more trendy hat wear. that's all i can ask.
also during my stay i popped in to see well, my pop. grandpa. whatever. he was lounging around like the king of fucking egypt on his poolside whatever they're called and cracked the usual joke. he looks actually quite good for someone who had a stroke a year ago. it was good to see he hadn't changed.. not much to say about my 3 hours there. he asked me about my shoes. i went for a swim in his pool. he had some witty banter with his partner... who, is kinda like my stepmother... and then, mum and i went on our way. i did manage to get a photo of the 3 generations of CHUAH - so, i guess what was worth it.
spent some good quality time with my work-a-holic father. 4 days. 12 hour shifts. bonkers. but, that's just how he is. as david brent said in the office, "orientals make great workers" ... and he couldn't be more right. turns out dad cut his finger open whilst cleaning a wok at work. he cut the tendon so his middle finger couldn't bend at the top joint. so, as son, it was my duty to accompany dad to the hospital. the hospital that i was born in, 24 years ago. so nostalgic. i tried to find the location where i am pictured the first day i was born, but it had been totally renovated, much like all of noosa, so the chances were pretty slim. but after dad came out of the hospital, i think he made a deliberate detour to go past his HONDA motor bike store so he could show me some new toys and shiny bikes. heheheh. i went along and managed to snap a couple of pics of him inside the store.

another highlight of staying with dad is a BBQ. he still cooks his meat on the same set up as we had as kids. just a hole in the ground with some bricks and then a grill plate. he collects the wood from the forest that surrounds the 57 bedroom house he lives in, and then waits to the wood burns down to ashes and charcoal. and then, presto. yummo.
speaking of food, i managed to finally watch julie & julia, the last movie by mrs i can do anything streep. anyways, she was good... but the movie lacked any major conflict or ethnic diversity. meh. white people cooking white meals. with butter. and cream. more butter and more cream. whatever. as if you wouldn't get the size of a fucking house eating this kinda food? anyways, tangent. but yeh, fluffy.. but Meryl is always amazing to watch.
ok, i think i need to go find a bathroom. or maybe just go where i'm sitting as a kind of fuck you to tiger airways. all i can say is thank fuck i am not catching the 8pm flight as i was previously thinking of. i'd end up getting home at the fucking crack of dawn next day. meh. no thanks!!! have fun guys... see you soon!