Monday, June 18, 2007

movie reviews

the descent
i havent seen a good horror movie for some time and im glad i watched this one. most people have said good things about it... so, i was a little worried because usually i dont find things scary. ohh man... it's like they knew all my hates and fears and put them into 1 film. so anyways, a bunch of girls go cave diving after 1 of the lass'es husband dies in a car accident ... they decide to into a cave that is pretty safe .... but it all goes terribly wrong!! this film had it all... suspense... shocks... blood... good/decent enough characters ... i think it was the first horror film i have seen with an all female cast that didnt end up going down some sort of dumb lesbian/sexual shit... they were gals and they fucking meant business. if you see it, you'll know what i mean!!!anyways, it has all the good elements... PD and sound were both fantastic and made me so stressed as i hate dark small spaces... monsters and the idea of being underground with no escape. if i had seen this film before NZ cave exploring i definitely would have said a big fat NO!!!

ohhh this movie was soooo full on. people are fucked. this was directed by todd "in the bedroom" field... another slow-ish character movie focusing on relationships and small communities... i was so tense pretty much through the whole thing... now you all know this movie because of all the oscar buzz it caused due to all the performances... especially from jackie earle haley who plays the child paedophile ... some of his scenes are fucking incredible... i didnt ever think i would cry over someone like that in a movie... but you realise that he is human and has all his flaws and problems just like the rest of us. kate winslet gave another great performance as a woman who wants what she cant have and boy... the music and the cinematography are both great and the narration which i thought was a little dum in the beginning was good in the end... films like this love because its not all perfect and it doesnt work out in the end. sooo realistic!!

i soooooooooooo wanted to see this freakin thing at the cinema but it was during my period of "not having a job/being on fucking bread crumbs" lifestyle.. anyways... ohhh this was a very very good movie. and im very happy it won all the awards it did. 3 oscars and 54 other wins!!! so, set in spain and this young girl goes to live with some SCARY EVIL man who is her new father. basically sucked into a world of magic and myth and some fucking amazingly designed creatures thanks to josé quetglás & his team... all the performances are brilliant.. the young girl who carries the fucking film on her shoulders is soooo cute even though she is surrounded by so much awful shit. although i was expecting much more violence than was depicted, it was pretty "ouch worthy" ... good PD and cinematography is very very very good. thank god they won the oscar!!! mmm i dont know what else to say about this film because i am very late in seeing it so everyone else beat me to it... but i highly recommend this film!!!

errol morris does it again with another doco about some grim shit that happened in the world. so, its a little lesson, sorry, 11 lesssons with former sect. of defence robert s. mc namara about what he learnt during his time serving in the white house. it uses archive footage and a rather interesting camera technique to interview his subject. talking pretty calmy about his life, he gets pretty emotional about things... the death of JFK etc... its a good reflection of his life which im sure he fucking has some major regrets about... but it turns out to be an interesing and compelling story... and it won the oscar!! so, you may as well check it out if you like docos... and, good ol' errol seems to know what he is doing!

cité des enfants perdus, la

now we've all seen amelie like a million times and say how good it was... so, i thought i should take a trip and watch some of jean-pierre jeunet's earlier work! and so that brings me to this film. mmm he certainly has an EYE for PD. even though i thought this film wasnt as great as amelie and a v. long engagement it had its moments! ron pearlman speaking french was pretty interesting and the young girl in the film was pretty, pretty, pretty good. again, cinematograhy was excellent and the music by david lynch's pal was used effectively. the story is a little bit hard to understand at times... but all the quirky and weird characters made it a very enjoyable and interesting ride! if you looove your french cinema im sure you have seen this film... but if you want to watch something with a wild imagination this is definately the thing to see!!!

another film by iranian director abbas kiarostami ten takes place in 1 taxi cab is split into 10 (obviously) conversations at different points in their lives. this film was amazing.... i heard he likes to use non-professional actors and work with a very loose and improvised script. you wouldnt really know watching it... it is soooo perfect in every way. the first segment with her child is the most interesting opening i have seen in a while. 15 mins of continuous dialogue without any cuts. its a great insight into the lives of these women who most of us have no idea about. its such a simple idea and it is pretty cool that this film is able to be related to so easily. the hooker, the religious nut ... it has a good representation of women and a reflection of their stories. at times its suprisingly funny and others pretty frustrating (mostly with her son) ten is a very fine example of minimalistic film making at its peak!

who killed the electric car?

this doco was quite an interesting insight into what the eff happened when general motors built a tonne of these cars and then totally ripped them off the market. it's nothing really that exciting really... but they talk to quite a few people that had alot to do with the making and promoting of these cars that seemed soooo cool. it made me want to drive. pretty much blames a bunch of people for the death of the electric car and points fingers at who did what. there was 1 scene where a bunch of devotee's to the car staged a protest outside a parking lot in GM headquarters and fought until the last minute to get these cars back on the road. i thought it was a bit silly but at the same time a little emotional... these dudes totally loved and believed in that car... and it was pretty insane why they took them all away and shredded them all up! HMMM ... normal cars are the devil and oil is fucked up... thats what i took away from this film!

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