everything was going roses... we were warm. full of fatty goodness (hot dogs made by steve) and settling in for a night of switching between the logies and of course, our pal betty.
but fate had different plans.
la la la
i went to see if anyone on the street had the same problem... yep. everyone. the whole street and looked like the street with the shops had lost power. even the pub had to start doing a fucking acoustic session.
after a few moments li-kim, steve and i sprang into survival mode... only minutes after watching "lost tribes" we found ourselves in a moment of terror. NO POWER!!! so, we got 3 candles and decided to just sit and "talk" ... fcuk that shit. it was too dum.
i went to my veranda to see if anyone else had lost power... but, it seemed like the city had it, and north melbourne had it. just a very specific block of kensington. and then the sirens started. 2 x fire truck, 3 x police.
almost immediately we were in "sleuth" mode ... trying to track down the reason why the power had gone off with such a loud BOOM... after "putting on proper pants" and taking a wee ... it was time to walk down the street with our candles.
after a short while we met up with lindsay and sarah chuah who were walking down from where the police were directing traffic.
"a possum" ...
we wanted answers. so, in our now 2 + larger group, the rag tag band of survivors walked up the road to seek the truth. it seriously felt like a mix of "war of the worlds" and "shaun of the dead" ... everyone was in night gowns carrying torches and candles trying to figure out what happened.
we asked the police officer ... "was it really a possum?"
she sounded so fucking pissed off and just moaned "yeeeesss"
but that wasn't good enough for lindsay, who was leading the group carrying his glass of red wine. we walked further and with each step it felt more and more dum.
(but, we needed the exercise after someone ate nearly 4 hot-dogs.)
"oooh... that's gonna be one fried possum... can you smell it mum?"
it was pretty funny that even the little ones were fucking fascinated. still not believing the cover story of a possum a woman frantically approached the people in front of us...
"does anyone know how to get to the animal shelter from here...?? we found the other possum running around scared and alone..."
we slowly walked home, slighty saddened that it wasn't a major car crash or a terrorist attack... but a small possum. hmmm. life really does suck sometimes.
so... if anyone can shed some light on whether betty and the cute guy with the glasses pashed and or got it on... i would totally be appreciative.
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