Saturday, February 10, 2007

how you doin?

well, at the moment? absolutely miserable.

i have no money. my bank balance is currently -$74.95.
i have no job. no-one is hiring.
my rent is overdue by 2 weeks.
bills are all overdue. power will be cut soon.
we have no 3rd housemate when sarah goes.
centrelink still haven't assessed my case.
apparently i should still be living at home.

im currently at carols house alone watching "scooby doo" ... surely life could be much worse right?

i could resort to taking free bread from the opp shops. (enter my mother)

actually, life has gotten worse. power rangers is on.

1 comment:

Li-Kim Chuah said...

Did you tell her to pose with that bread in the last shot? Because that is totally a 'Stolen Bread Get-a-way' moment. Its like she is going to do a burnout and quickly leave the scene of the crime.