Monday, September 18, 2006

i wish i was a punk rocker?

WOW. what an exciting time it has been. so many things have happened. and now im a little pissed as this is my second time at writing this freakin post.

well, as my blog post title shows, im pretty down and hip with the lastest things that are going on... so, i will get started on my many stories that have happened...

firstly... sarah chuah is now in melb. she loves to move. and at the moment she is staying at my house and sleeping with me ... not top and tail though ... it's going okay.. we havent been fighting like we did when we were younger - for example - when she deleted all my stuff off the computer i threw a dinner plate at her head from the veranda... unfortunately i missed and it was a waste of a plate. and then dad got shitty at me. but anyways ... yeh, she is here and her suitcases are covering my floor and clothes are everywhere.. i am dealing pretty well though ... so, it's off to go looking for houses ... and shopping and starting the melb. move all over again.

TOM GANT was here recently here and it was fun times. i havent seen this hottie since last week and before that, in may ... and before that, in 2004... but we never got the chance to hang out heaps and chat about the old days. it was fun times as previously mentioned in the last sentence and beers just seemed to go down v. nicely!!! as my friend matthew le calls it, a "drink up" took place and then it was off to leo's party in a little bit. the gang was in force... and it was all happening - i was already drunk @ about 6pm... that was when we decided to get some food. basically, sarah tom and myself placed a whole charcoal chicken on the table and picked at it with our hands... steven did hand us forks and shit, but it wasnt an option. go nuts guys! for a reference on how i eat chicken, please check an earlier post. ewww

before i forget to write about, i went and saw eraserhead at acmi. now, for those who arent as down as i am re: lynch - it was his first feature film. fucking hell. what is wrong with this guy - just look at these pictures... what goes on inside his beautiful mind? anyways... the film freaked the shit out of me, and robert was turned to look at me covering my mouth in shock and just looking absolutely disgusted. oh well... he is a genius and i loved it. and there were so many arty hotties there. all coming together for the love of film and david lynch.

after that i had to catch the last train home where there was a mother of a c*nt on the train who i hope rots her fat corpse on some burning coals and then she is shat on my every single person in this city and then the vultures rip her eyes out while she is still alive burning to a crisp and smelling and vomiting because she smells like shit. pheww... she made a rascist comment to me and i was looking right at her. then she went on to tell her freinds how she's so fucking great and how she had to get an abortion coz she took some E and got pregnant to some burnout that is a jerk. MARRY ME!

so back to leo's party... yeh, it was awesome. everyone was there and dancing and the like, being all social. gant was in his element ... and again, the drinks were coming left right and center! there are a few photos ... not many though ... but it was a good night! after the panama dining room, we went to yelza or something where sarah chu managed to flirt with the doorman about his glasses frames and sarah K loves to flirt with all the gay guys and managed to score a compliment about how she has "an arse that never quits" ... and then 30 minutes later and a taxi ride from hell ... (not really, he was kinda driving like someone from the police academy movies) we arrived home to sleep... come 4 hours time - it was off to work for me!

work was okay... actually, it was pretty good... all the regulars... and then i had this thrown at me as this guy was leaving the store...

- oh, they shouldn'a made this should they? (pointing to brokeback mountain)
- oh, didnt like it did you?
- nah mate, fuckin' poofters...

he chuckled and i had to pretend i was humored and not offended by his extremely obvious homophobia. then matthew le came into work early and it was off to see hedwig and the angry inch.

oh, i love to love the theatre! she/he was sooo good and as sarah chu said, "oh, he's fabulous... isn't he?" but the show was pretty fuckin' good... he was so energetic and in the character, rocking and dancing and throwing around the stage and singing sooooo goodly. oh, it was amazing. i love to not be able to explain the greatness of the show in words, it's something that you have to see and then go, wow, that was pretty fuckin' awesome! david bowie said it was the best thing he'd seen it years... and years to come... !!!

Producer David Hawkins of Showtune Production has worked hard for four years to create an Australian version of the show. “The pedigree for Hedwig is extraordinary. Fans have been clamoring for an Australian season and they haven’t been disappointed,” says Hawkins. “Our cast and production will blow people’s minds.”

after that was vietnamese food where i stuffed my face as per tradition and then ate trampoline!

it was an effing top weekend people!!


Anonymous said...

Errrr... the place was called ALIA... YELTZA was closed... How rude not to wish me Happy Birthday in public after attending meeee celebrations... Maybe you should change the title of your blog to since you mention this highly unusual gender condition in every post... hahahaha...

Li-Kim Chuah said...

What does it mean "an arse that never quits". Never quits what?

And I'd like to hear more about your epic fights with Sarah Chu- I obviously wasn't there to witness that doozy.