Thursday, August 31, 2006

everyone has aids...

i forgot how effing depressing and brilliant this show is. GOD BLESS THE HBO. even though it's totally emo and messed up, these pictures made me feel a little better...



the HBO is seriously the best thing that america has given the world... think about it.

- six feet under
- sopranos
- curb your enthusiasm
- carnivale
- rome
- the wire
- angels in america
- sex and the city
- OZ
- deadwood

OHHHH... the PD on all of those shows.... love's to get me down in the dumps.


Stephanie said...

necht on the 'curb your enthusiasm' that show sucks ass.... and what the hell are you talking about with the battery hens you crazy kid?!

Li-Kim Chuah said...

What is SHE on? No - Ben, fantastic PD should uplift the spirit! And make you feel good! Make your chest hurt and bring a tear to the eye. I LOVE to LOVE the PD! :)