wow... well, hello once again to my fascinating life.
highlights in this issue include -
grill'd burger
getting a fridge
being emo &
not much else.
work is going okay... same shit... um... no real great stories to speak of... yesterday i had to work out in hawthorn, and it took me about 1 hr to get there and about 1 hr 45 minutes to get home...
they are soooo fucking rude out there though. flemington is so much cooler. i know everyone cares about this, but seriously!! so, this woman comes back in the store... she sounds/speaks like a really tight-arse bitch cunt with a mouth like shes been sucking on a fucking bowl of lemons... anyways...
"i dont want this. i have already seen it before. i want something else"
i open the case and go to change the disc.
"umm, it has the wrong movie inside.."
"that wasnt me! it was you! one of you did that! ohhh... this is annoying"
and this, get this... this one is golden...
apparently, there was this old man, who's name is mario or luigi or one of the nintendo clan... anyways, he has been a member at this store for YEARS... like, since he was a little meatball or something... so, he has/had this little book that was kept under the counter and it kept a record of everything he has ever hired in his lifetime. and now the book has gone missing! the shit has seriously hit the fan! he went NUTS!
i can sooo see this a story on today tonight or 60 minutes... "1 man, 1 book ... 1 lifetime - VANISHED" ohhh it's gold. so, he is going to call the boss, who he assumed was a man, after i told him that HER name was ANNIE
"what-a? mamm-a mi-a! his-a name-a is-a annie-a?"
"no, HER name is annie. SHE. WOMAN" i said in reply...
after finished my 6 hours of hell at the busiest effing store ever i was starving and hadn't eaten that day... it was 9.05pm and time to get some food in me... so, i sat down by myself... which was totally emo and fat at the same time and stuffed my effing face with the
best burgers in the effing world. oh jesus. dont have any stores outside of melbourne, and they dont have pictures either. but, anyways, it was awesome and i ate a burger the size of my head in about 5 minutes. it was probably best i wasnt with anyone...
movies i have watched...
lost in la mancha ... 4.5 stars... really good.. basically a movie about a movie that never got made. deppy depp and terry gilliam who brought you fear and loathing and brazil, 12 monks etc etc...
hotel rwanda - shouldve been called "hotel no vacancy" ... there's some really good performances in this one... and, yeh... was pretty effing worrying that this happened just over 10 yrs ago!
bringing out the dead- scorsece or something ... it was NY and dark and grimm and nick cage all crazy and snapping out on drugs... it was ok... 2 hrs of my life i could've spent watching something else... maybe ...
x-files!!! - yes, i have started from the v. start.. its sooo nineties and lame... although, the theme song makes me get chills still and i need to look under my bed in case there is a skinny half man running around on a skateboard type device... ready to snatch my kidney out with his bare alien hands.
prom queen - about some homo that wanted to take his BF to the prom. it was a true story and i have to admit i got all emo about it because it was all like, "god loves me for who i am" bullshizen which really almost gets to me all the time... anyways, you know the ending already to a film like this but, it had whats-his-name from x-men ... and animorphs as the guy... he had blue hair ... i didnt really believe he was a queen though, the r'ship with his BF was lame and they didnt ever kiss. like, they had a peck and it was dumb.
show me love - oh, this was emo this one. sweddish like, 12 y.o's basically... although, i think they are 15 or 16?? anyways, some girl likes this other girl who's a mean girl and teases her about being a lesbian. anyways, it was made by a fat 21 y.o or something which is prob why i liked it... and, oh, they kissed to that song .... "i wanna know what love is... i want you to show me" !!! fuck! genius. i will be copying that for sure, but, with a spinning stead-cam shot and some soft focus background with fairy lights and shit... anyways, it was a really sweet story and the scripting was really spot on... i feel like an effing milo now though! emo!
OH!!! 24 FINALE! shizen.... they fucking caught him. the shanghai-se! holy shit im a sucker for that show. butler (new nick for housemate steven) tells me i have the exact reaction for every single moment in that show that the producers want. fuck, i was all screaming and yelling and touching poor keifer when he got bashed and shit... oh man.... im getting all dum just thinking about it!! sooooooo cooool!
yeh, we got a
fridge! it's white. and clean. and quite empty.
mmm anyways, idol is about to start so i have to get ready to watch all the talent. im sooo excited. and im acting just like a 14 y.o girl.... i LOVE to.
p.s - apparently my old high school drama teacher is staying with me in a month or two. do i still call him mr. tate though? mmmm im sooo nervous! shizen!