Sunday, July 09, 2006

where do i begin ?

work. wow. what an effing a-hole. so many effing c bombs this weekend.

okay.. case study 1.

guy walks in to store to sign up. only has pension card and keycard from bank. this is how the conversation went down. b= me & h=him.

h - hi, i'd like to join up...
m- yep, i just need a drivers license and a medicare card...
h- oh, all i have is (look above) this...
m- yeh, sorry... you actually need those things to hire - its store policy.
h- this is a joke. is your manager here? can i speak to them?
m- no, sorry... they arent.
h- well, call them now.
m- um, ok...

now, i wouldnt usually do this, but the guy looked like a racist fucking heart attack victim so i didnt want to piss him off and have a death on my hands..

and after calling annie (boss) and him speaking to her - he ends the phone conversation with this...

h- this is a joke. i have enough bloody i.d to open up a bank account (umm, which freakin' bank are you at you fucking dipshit) i cannot believe this. thanks for nothing...

now, he hands me back the phone.

h- yeh, shove it up your arse!

OMG. what? who... serious? i was like, in shock. what a cunt. honestly. he then walks out of the store and puts his fucking 30 y.o bike helmet on and gets on his bike.... but, not before he re-enters the store and has the fucking balls to ask...

h- where is the nearest video store?


case study 2.

ok, trying to locate a member on the computer... they are already pissy because they didnt get the movie the wanted. t=them, m=me.

t- im sorry, but we were actually next in line thank you.
m- oh, sorry... i was kinda all over the place... so, just that one was it?
t- yes.
m- have you got your card or password?
t- 28476

i type it in and its not coming up.

m- sorry, that doesnt come up with anyone.
t- i cannot believe this. every time we come in here this happens. its totally un-acceptable.
m- ok, well... can i have the name on the account please?
t- yes. its frank karut.

i type that in.

m- yeh, ahahah, sorry, that doesnt come up with anything either.

he takes this mother fucking HUGE exhale - like im a fucking dumb shit or something.

t- are you sure you are typing it in correctly?
m- yes. and im sorry, nothing is coming up.
t- so, what, you are telling me i am not on your computer system?

(im losing it at this stage)

m- well, it would appear that way wouldnt it.
t- frank karut. k-a-r-u-t.

im thinking i can fucking spell you son of a bitch.

m- yeh, i am typing in "frank K" and nothing is coming up. can i have the phone number please.
t- oh, you have got to be kidding. seriously... (he exhales again)
m- i am trying to find you and nothing is coming up.

ok, blah blah ... after fucking ages, like, 2 minutes, i am starting to get really stressed out. shaking and fucking twitching and meh.

turns out the fuckwit didnt have a password - he had a card. and his name wasnt FRANK, it was a fucking german-ish hybrid of the name frank like, FRANCIEZEK or something fucking stupid.

anyways... to cut a totally long story story short.... they got totally pissy with me and all this over some fucking trashy straight to dvd release. after the walked off, (p.s- the store is fucking packed...) i released my frustration by doing something like this behind the counter...

unfortunately for me they both turned around to see me yelling/miming


and shaking my fists in the air and to their face. ouch. and all the other customers were laughing. oh, they love me. they really love me.

dum you later.


Anonymous said...

awww poor benwah! dont worry, i share ur pain. try giving medication results to old people on the phone who can bearly speak english, and ask them to give their date of birth and spell their name. can i get an "E" for "APPLE" anyone? o_O
dorevitch pathology is secret code for FUN!

Anonymous said...

ohhh, and did i mention unwanted stories of toilet and bedroom habits??? id take idiots over people who tell u allllllll about the the parts theyre bleeding from any day xD

/end rant

Anonymous said...

oh man... id hate to be you... haha... i can imagine you putting a hex on them... dont worry... theyll get their come up'ins... :P dont cha

Li-Kim Chuah said...

Update ur blog.