as you all know im quite heavily influenced by any type of media, so, at the end of watching this film i was running around the mall with my hand gun looking something like this...
it was really fun. so, coming soon will be mission impossible 4 - mock style. look out for it.
in other news i went to the snowboard show meet&greet and there were some interesting people. one of the producer ladies or some shit is the brains behind australia's largest speed dating organisation - which to me, sounds like a totally ideal place for her to be working really. other peoples normal jobs included high-rise window cleaner, really gay looking straight guy... yeh, i really wasnt paying that much attention. i was still in mission impossible 3 mode!
p.s- sarah is givin me the shits
I feel cheated! I thought you were going to include that kick ass new "Superman Returns" poster. You're just saving it for yourself, huh?
hi ben chuah! its sarah your sister sarah. tomorrow joss and i are flying out of santiago and mum organised our tickets to the caribbean, i paid of course, but its exciting!! we are going to st vincent and the grenadines, they are more third world countries, but i was just on your site, reading for the first time in a while and i am glad that you are going well in your life. mmm i am sad to leave south america, but ecited to come live in melb!!! anyway i had something else to say but forgot. later nader, love sarah
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