Friday, March 24, 2006

changing rooms blitz

where are you guys when i need you???

so anyways, im moving house tomorrow and it should be fun times. i mean, living the same dum street as my sister in a house that has a shower next to the oven and a toilet in the backyard... bring it effing on!!! hopefully in a short time i will have some happy pictures of my moving in and you wont be seeing my on this show with a horrible tale of how the cupboards are off centre due to poor craftsmanship

but dont blame scott cam.

blame this mother effing s of a B.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are piss funny. I'm gonna get in trouble one day 'cause i read this at work and always burst out laughing!
Hope your day went well... i'm still stumped for a costume. I had a goody but aparently it's 80's dammit!