Wednesday, March 29, 2006

commonwealth blues & other such news

well... it's all over!!!

after all those nothing shifts and free meal vouchers my time at the commonwealth games has come to an end... like tara reids career...

(commonwealth uniform pics coming soon)

meanwhile in other news i have officially moved in to my new house... its quite large and scary and sometimes i often picture this dead child moving around my house especially at the bottom of my stairs...

and for some reason just for s&g's i thought i should put this on here....

me winning the door prize @ recent 90's party... perhaps the tightest shirt i have ever worn in the history of being me... meanwhile here is the first OFFICIAL public release of me sleeping in my house...

another thing i did for s&g's was this... trying to eat a praying mantis (the smallish green thing)

mmm so, that might do it folks... as for party pics of me dancing like a turd kicking like a can can dancer, they are coming soon... as are survivor updates which i hope yall are watching....

p.s - you all heard about s of a b naomi robson going to court to testify against her lover ???

Friday, March 24, 2006

changing rooms blitz

where are you guys when i need you???

so anyways, im moving house tomorrow and it should be fun times. i mean, living the same dum street as my sister in a house that has a shower next to the oven and a toilet in the backyard... bring it effing on!!! hopefully in a short time i will have some happy pictures of my moving in and you wont be seeing my on this show with a horrible tale of how the cupboards are off centre due to poor craftsmanship

but dont blame scott cam.

blame this mother effing s of a B.

sarah chile chu

so here is a word for word copy of what sarah chu wrote when i asked... "are you okay" ???

hi yes turd i am in pucon, chile right now at a shop before we catch a bus to osorno for the night. anyway things are all good here dont even worry, i just cant keep in touch that much. anyway we are having pretty awesome times. in pucon, we been here for about 5 days now, we climbed a crazy asskicking fucking large active volcanoe it was crazy yeah it only cost about 50 us dollars but it was so awesome and so hard., that was yesterday. we ahave also been to some natural hot springs like in dante peakj or whatever where they find the deadb odies that got burnt cause it goit too hot.

anyway that was nice, and i am getting fat here. umm we met a canadian guy, a californnian and 2 israelis that we kbeen hanging with they very nice, and might go down south on a road trip with them, but havent decided yet cause we trynna prioritise, anyway i wish i could update my website but i too laxzy and my cam not working so i got no good pics at the moment, but it is really really beauiful here and i got a ucking basketball size bruise on my leg from toboggoning down the volcanoe witht he snow it hit me hard but was lots of fun. umm we heading to argentina in the next couple of days and most likely making our way up to bolivia from there.

anyway tell everyone i said hi and yes im fine dont even need to worry it is really safe and nice so far. no gureillas just dirty men that like to perve but when i wear my thongs and socks noone looks its great. umm yeah so i will probably only be checking the net every once a week or so cause i cheap and yea. fuck i gortta poo but i just went to the bathroom and you have to pay 100 pesos everytime to use the public bathrooms. its not much but i could buy a candy bar or something else instead, get the flow??'

anyway r u jealous cause i am cool and south american. tell likim i say hi and dad and mum if you talk and let them know it is coo here and having good times. ok talk soon turdle love you miss you booo love sarah

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

bloody blunt

seriously... i mean... really... is he THAT bad??? sure he has a high pitched voice and sings like a girl, but i think that we should really not frown upon the man that has given us no. 1 aria chart hits such as "goodbye my lover" and the originally titled "beautiful"

so far the blunt love/hate tally is quite favouring the hate... i think this must stop...

let us have a closer look at his lyrics? yes, let's.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place, And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.

no, i say good on you james blunt. you have brought joy to many peoples lifes, mainly sarah chu who is in chile listening to you and dreaming of your kosovo uniform. sweet dreams.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

commonwealth hotties

ok... well, first of all commonwealth games isnt tooooo bad..

i mean, im currently surrounded by old women and scary "aussie" blokes to just wanna get the job done... but, they feed me quite well, better than the takeaway chicken and chips meals i am used to on racecourse road... anyways, back to the subject... my thoughts were that i was going to be surrounded by hotties that were really nice and cool because they are giving up their time for nothing... I WAS WRONG! .... or so i thought ...

as i worked more shifts and longer hours and as more foreign press/photographers arrived i have noticed the increase in "hottie potential" that has been buzzing around the Main Press Centre.... only just today, after finishing a shift at midnight, i have given the title of "Mean Girl" to not really a girl who might slash could hurt someones feelings, but just for the fun of it...


dont get me wrong, i love freaks and or geeks most of the times... but some of these people you just have to think, where the eff do they get them from???

but... good on them!!! GOOD ON ME! we are all doing our part to serve the wonderful city of Melbourne that is just amazingly ruled by this man...

for eff's sake guys!!!

Okay!!! Every other effing CHUAH child has a blog because we are all so entertaining, with Sarah's stories of shitting in Chile & Li-Kim's bitchy real estate tales... So, i thought i would jump on the blog band-wagon with my own sense of humor along with tales from Commonwealth Games- An Insider Tale... if not that, then the video store... my effing dreams and just common stupid stuff thats related to reality TV and other such things!!!

So, as Lord Mayor John So said when opening Melbourne's AC/DC Lane...